The Medium is the Message II : The Logic of Digital Production and the Network Economy.

Image result for Digital Production and the Network Economy.

I have to admit that it took me a while to experiment with the Giphy app and create a glitching image.  Besides that, it took me a little bit more to understand the content we had in the third week. After reading “Better than Free” by Kevin Kelly, that’s what I took away.

In digital network, everything can be copied and therefore everything is “in abundance”. In the new oversaturated digital universe, copies of works (films, music and programs) have become virtually free. And in an environment where copies are free, you have to sell something that cannot be copied. What could it be? Kevin Kelly writes, trust. It cannot be downloaded, saved in the database. It can only be earned, and then over time. There are several more qualities that cannot be copied, and therefore are valuable in a cloud economy. They can be most easily identified by starting with the question: why should a consumer pay for what he could get for free? Non-copyable values are “better than free”. This “better than free” should have the qualities that the author calls generative values.

Kelly. K , 2008 , Better than Free

Created with GIPHY

By Malichka

Supposing is good, but finding out is better

1 comment

  1. Yeah you brought very nice points, I feel like in today’s world, nobody gets to fight for their copyright because everything is stolen and edited so easily. Don’t get me wrong I am not against Intellectual Property, I just think the world has really changed and nobody seems to care about ethics anymore, or maybe, collaborating with memes and everything else is the new future.

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