Dark fiber: exploits, botnets and cyberwar

Cyberwarfare is a military action carried out not physically, but electronically, when information acts as a weapon, and computers and the Internet are tools. Cyberwar, therefore, is one of the types of information war, the task of which is to achieve certain goals in the economic, political, military and other areas by influencing society and power with carefully prepared information.

All cyberwarfare operations are aimed at disrupting the functioning of computing systems responsible for the operation of business and financial centers, government organizations, at creating disorder in the life of the country, therefore, important life-supporting and functional systems of settlements suffer first of all. New technologies are giving a major impetus to the development of cyberwarfare. Many states have created cyber troops and are allocating funds to create defense systems.

Nowadays, every technological process is controlled by information technologies – even if it is traffic regulation, the slightest violation of which will cause serious problems. The active use of technology has made civilization dependent and therefore vulnerable. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the consequences of a cyberattack.

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By Malichka

Supposing is good, but finding out is better

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